Ten Best Atlantic SongsOver the years they have taken on massive rock and country acts and became a powerhouse of contemporary popular music
Top Ten Best First Time Listen SongsYou know those songs that you love from the off? Often others you were not so "absorbed" by will eventually outrank it in your tastes, but t
Twenty Most Boring Songs EVEREver been listening to the radio and a song comes on that makes you long for the commercial break?
A Day in the Life: The Beatles You do not analyse the Dead Sea Scrolls or the original first copy of Ulysses. You bow down to it.
How and Why I Love John Lennon and The BeatlesAs we approach that most awful day, night on four decades later. I feel I should share what his touch did to my world
Top Ten Lines in Songs I realise there are endless alternatives that could be a lot better. I am happy for you all to do your own and post them below,
Music Rules Number 1: SELLING OUTperformances that grace our screens -like a Comic Relief video about a drug-addict been given a guitar to express himself
Musical Criminals #1. Destiny's Child When asked what it was that inspired it, they responded with saying it was about having the strength to endure the struggle of creating the
Top Ten Opening Lines A song that grabs you by the nuts (or whatever Donald Trump said he does) with the explosive and endearing opening gambit. Never easy, as...
MISHEARD LYRICS & LINES Leave me a message on here or Twitter with your examples and I'll put them on. Let's see when we can get to 100. I will start Fresh P